Boo boo kitty in his new tee, shoes and pants. Boo we’re gonna have to talk about dem pants tho.

Lawd your wear-age  of pants bothers me some, It doesn’t keep me up at night but it bothers me some. That pants does nothing for your ass or me. Makes you look like you have no ass and I just had an arse appreciation post with backing track and all so this is unacceptable at least bring the pants up to your waist man. Damn!! Just know it’s on my list of things we need to talk about. “K”

 look at you, you have an amazing frame, nice built , fit and tone, respectable size ass. I appreciate it. I’ve made many posts. It’s glorious to me, look at Ewell’s tush pants. That’s where it should be some room for the good stuff, some appeal for the back stuff. It’s all about balance Boo Boo. It’s all about balancing it out. I know you can do it, You have been doing well recently, now you don’t have to go the Russell Brand way of cutting off your ability to reproduce ( I wouldn’t want that for you either, trust me) but the sag has no appeal either.


We’re are going to have to so talk your pants and the wear age of it. Just No in various languages























Like I know it’s your ass and all and I am just looking at it and shouldn’t bother me so much because you never give me legal rights and documented paper works that it’s half mine so I can say and do what I want with and to it but still it bothers. ME so again No,  to the  dooo doooo pants. K

How can I do ass appreciation if you don’t show it to me. Is this what your movie Hidden is about. If so DO NOT WANT.

 I still love yea tho doooo doooo pants and all, you’re maah Boo/squeeze, mi amor

 having lunch with your hombre Ewell nice. I am pretty sure tis is in the Grove and I am pretty sure I have eaten there. I think. ummm, ponder Mexican food joints.

 his brother from another mother Ewell, interacting with others is always a good thing.

Hope he had a good lunch. I like his shoes, pretty sure is wearing tiny socks, next time pull up your pants. Good to see him go out and about (Tack så mycket)  it’s nice but it just remains me that I miss him. I know. I’ve been saying it a lot but I do, okay. Missing him.

I liked tis episode it had loads of Eric Northman, the way it suppose to be.

So I can’t hate on last night episode, There was a lot of Northman that makes me very happy. I love Eric Northman K. If I was into shrines. I would build one in his honor and sacrifice lambs in his name just saying. But I ain’t into shrine so I just have to marvel at his excellence on TV.
But in saying that there are still a lot of plot holes in this shows (Eric’s hair was longer dude hello, viking flashback.) and it grates on my nerves they are so obvious how can you not see them WRITERS but as I said last week I just look and drool at Eric Northman fine assets and drink tis drunk punch that is TB.

First Steve is the New Nan. Why am I not surprised by tis. Well she never looked better the years have been good to her and all and her dance moves are saucy.

I said That I would give Teara 3 episodes and you know what I am liking her. Translation. I wouldn’t be fast forwarding her next week.

It was the coolest thing TB has done. It was cool to watch  I love the insight on being a baby vamp. They need more of this on the show.

 then she did tis. Gurl you know you wrong for that. That shit is painful, you should have waited for the sun it  would have been much quicker.

 I concur with the expression and the words.

 well I never had training bras like that. looks painful (that was because I let them bounce free that was training right?! Then They bothered then my mom bought some bras.)

 hahaha the delivery was awesome. I don’t know about guys but one is way too hawt to be goo. I would be very very sad if he ever became goo.  hahahahaha his face tho. Love it. He has the best facial expressions ever.

 hahaha my name is True Death, well hello there.  Silly Billy. I would have staked him tho. Just saying’ one must learn ones place.

 The kiss was sweet, really sweet and kind, so kind but that Twirl I want that in my life. I need a kiss twirl in my life and I want an Alexander Skarsgård kiss twirl in my life July 11 jesus make it happen.

 such an handsome man  do you think if I say that to him I will get the kiss twirl. I would like to get the kiss twirl.  his Period swag is quite dignified  such a sweet kiss. I love it. I love them. Reason 2 why I watch the show. So sweet. Okay I love all tis rom con ish, the female inside me eats it up and ask for more I Love the tender stuff makes life worth living if you ask me and keeps you going too.

 If he was a vamp for real. I would tell him to TAKE IT, TAKE IT GOD DAMMIT to wake up to that face would be divine. Actually I would very much like to wake up to that face I have many extra pillows. I would like him to lay his head on one. His eyes sweet Wesus, his eyes.


I can tell ya right now I am not one of those chicks, you know the one that check your phone messages while you sleep or sniff your neck when you come home and check for bite marks that are not mine. I give you the trust, you broke it or deceive. We’re done and I am def not the kind that cuts her wrist or vines to get a vamp to turn her. But then again she was a 1905 hooker not like she had other career goals or opportunities coming up, so I say force him into it. He didn’t have to but he did but they click that’s why he came back he saw something in her that appealed to him. I  can deal with these Eric feels

 Alexander Skarsgård is very good at conveying human emotions. He is very good at harnessing your sympathy. This can be very dangerous as a viewer for various roles but Outstanding is his performance none the less.

This is the best part of Episode 3 and frankly best part of TB season 5 so far. ERIC/PAM.

OMG ERIC GOT A BEEHL BURN, sorry Northman you kinda set yourself up for that one. You should have known.

well technically Beehl from a female prespective, you were the let’s get it out of the way already first. She had sex with you under the basement next to the rusty pipes bla, bla then she had sex with eric in the bedroom on the bed with silk sheets and blood threats and she wanted to be his friend. She save the best for last and took her time and had the after glow so yeah, semi burn but points for Beehl for trying. I personally would have him for first, second and oh yeah many more times but that’s just me.

The Alcide said summin….NEXT

then Sookie said summin NEXT

Okay Sookie used her powers for once to defend herself and it was cool to see. You got powers man use it. Someone pisses you off you use that shit, even tho it was Pam. Sorry babe I would toast your ass or cinch your hair. Don’t fuck with me now. I hope she use her powers much more tis season and cry less, much more less.

Another week and another look that Jessica fell off the skank ho truck. (I guess it’s my daddy out of town breaking loose case) Hoyt baby no, leave the mascara at home and the mesh shirt too all kinds of oH nooooos.

Lala using beach in soups, see that’s why I only eat at certain place. Just don’t know what is the main ingredients.

Sam’s still hot in jeans but still the worst shifter on TV. Here’s to hoping he turns into a better shifter as the season goes on.

Arlene I still don’t care. Tod is so cute.

Jason has issues and had an light bulb moment (Oprah finally kicking in) I would say poor Jason but I am just hoping he always wore an condom.

and oh tis happened too, he was having a lot of sex last night Flashback and present

You know what I want to be more than just his friend but I would start it tis way too.

 a lot of sexy time but I want to be more than just your friend just FYI.

 I want to be more than his friend, but tis is a good way to introduce your

boobs to him.

Because tis needs to be posted again. The reason for so many things.

Yes the reason for so many things. The reason why I still watch TB. The reason I troll the Internet and google him.  The reason I want to have his chirrun and practice the art of procreation OVER AND OVER AGAIN even after we get it right.  MOST of all the reason I want to be on it until I dehydrate or loose the function of my legs and my hips give out. So many reason, but one of them I love him. So fucking much. So MUCH LOVE. EUPHORIA!!!

HE IS SO FUCKING FINE: Alexander Skarsgård

OMG seriously he is so fucking FINEEEEEEEE!!! Just makes all kinds of frustrated and sad and depress.



Because tis always pops in my head when he takes it off, Lawd I need to see him take it off while tis song is playing.

 JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. YES again. We should have sex again and again and again until I pass out. Just be exhausted on it.



Before I say anything else about anything. Good Morning Mr. Skarsgård ASSets.

BEAUTIFUL ASS IS BEAUTIFUL.TO the mere female tis might just be an ass but to me I love it. I have so much love for it.

Yes yes I know it might seem like the same gif over and over again but come on look at it. It Asstastic, I just want to……



Dad is one of my best friends, awww sweet. Alexander Skarsgård interview.

Gosh for some reason I thought I posted tis already, obviously NOT but here it is Boo boo and his words of… It’s a different tone interview. It’s intriguing none the less lets say.

Alexander Skarsgård: “Dad is one of my best friends”

Cover MediaBy | Cover Media – Tue, Jun 12, 2012 8:30 AM PHT

  • Alexander SkarsgårdView PhotoAlexander Skarsgård
  • Alexander SkarsgårdView PhotoAlexander Skarsgård
  • Alexander SkarsgårdView PhotoForget the vampire clan in Twilight, the hard-core species is to be found in True Blood, the wildly popular HBO series which stars 35-year-old Swedish-born actor Alexander Skarsgård as Eric Northman, the 1000-year-old Viking vampire feasting in the Louisiana Bayou. As presumptive leader of his bloodsucking brethren, Eric is a charismatic pansexual sadist who runs the most decadent and depraved nightclub you could ever imagine. Now entering its 5th season, True Blood owes much of its following to Skarsgård ‘s electric aura. And everywhere the 6’4″ Swedish actor goes, his avid female fans are sure to follow, although an autograph is often not their only request. “Women are constantly asking me to bite them, but I have to say no or it would start a weird trend,” smiles Skarsgård . “Because of the internet, if I would do that once or twice it would suddenly be all over the web and I’ll end up having to bite people for the next 40 years. Fans, mainly women I suppose, would be coming up to me and say, I saw online that you bit another fan, so now you have to bite me, please! So I’m forced to decline such offers.” Skarsgård, whose actor father Stellan Skarsgard (Ronin, Mamma Mia!, Angels & Demons) is even more famous in their native Sweden, originally trained in the Swedish army as an anti-terrorist soldier and credits that gruelling physical regime with endowing him with a heightened physical presence. Skarsgard trains hard for two months prior to each new season of True Blood episodes so that he maintains the ultra-fit physique that adds maximum impact to his numerous nude sex scenes. Skarsgård was recently seen in Battleship and last year’s Melancholia. Later this year, he will be appearing in What Maisie Knew opposite Julianne Moore, Disconnect with Jason Bateman, and The East, co-starring Ellen Page. Skarsgård and Page were seen last week attending an L.A. Kings’ hockey game during the NHL Stanley Cup Finals. Skarsgård recently signed a multi-million dollar (well look at that. Good for you Boo Boo kitty. )endorsement contract to be the spokesmodel for Calvin Klein men’s fragrance.


Q: Alexander, what can you tell us about the upcoming 5th season of True Blood?

Skarsgård: Oh, I don’t want to spoil to much of the fun, but this year will probably be an epic year in the series. More blood, more thrills! Eric will be meeting a very special new member of his circle – my vampire sister Nora (British actress Lucy Griffiths) will be appearing on the show. She’s also Godric’s child and a very important part of his life. (lets hope we see the why she is. Not just assume she is)

Q: At the end of the 4th season, Sookie breaks up with both your character, Eric, and with Bill. Is this the end of the menage a trois?

Skarsgård: (Laughs) Eric and Bill are going to be working on their bromance a bit now. We team up against a natural enemy. They have no choice but to set aside their disputes and form an alliance of sorts. It’s going to be a bit like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Q: In addition to True Blood, your film career is also taking off. Are you at all anxious to end your vampire duties?

Skarsgård: No, no. I love my work in the series. This is a great character and Eric is tremendously popular all over the world. It would be insane if I wanted to leave the series voluntarily. Right now I’m enjoying getting to do movies in between seasons and I’m trying to find good projects and see where that takes me. I remember what it’s like to spend years not getting any phone calls and not having any scripts sent my way. So I’m very happy to have True Blood to look forward to every year and I’m enjoying seeing my character and the series unfold. I don’t think it’s an accident that we have a very big following.

Q: Do you ever worry that playing such a popular character like Eric will create too strong an identification with audiences and overshadow your film roles in the coming years?

Skarsgård: No. Audiences are able to separate you from your other characters quite easily as long as you don’t play similar roles and of course no vampires! So I’ve been playing different kinds of characters in movies like Melancholia, where I play a passive man, a much weaker man than Eric, who is very much an alpha male. Also my role in Battleship was very different. As long as I avoid playing vampires or similar roles in films, I don’t think audiences will have much difficulty separating me from Eric. I actually think the identification works in your favour because people think they know what you will be doing and then your character in a movie does something to surprise you. (he has been doing good to not letting that happen so far, points)

Q: You’ve also worked on several other films that will be coming out soon. What can you tell us about What Maisie Knew?

Skarsgård: I wanted to do that film mainly because it gave me the chance to work with Julianne

Moore, whom I’ve always thought is one of the best actresses in the business. The film is a modern updating of the 1897 Henry James novel, and it’s about a custody battle between Julianne’s character and Steve Coogan’s character. I play the stepfather caught in between and I really loved working with the little girl Onata Aprile who plays Maisie.

Q: Did that experience make you want to start your own family?

Skarsgård: (Laughs) Maybe not yet. But it was interesting for me to see how much I enjoyed being on the set with a young child actor and spending time getting to know her. I think I might actually make a good father one day! (aww, not yet, he is waiting for me sweet.  But it is something he wants, hell my womb just jump a bit translation it volunteers and how sweet he was in training mode, it always good to get to know someone. Yes! You would make a good Papa, my womb just jump again translation it concurs as well kinda one of the reason I want to have his chirruns that and the sexy times)

Q: You’ve become something of a sex symbol in recent years thanks to True Blood. How do you deal with the attention?

Skarsgård: I’m glad the series is receiving so much recognition. There are a lot of very talented actors working with me and we all share the success. Obviously it’s very gratifying personally but I like to live as quietly as possible. I’m Swedish, and we’re not known for flaunting ourselves although I know people might question that because of True Blood’s sexual content. (Are you Swedish I would have had no idea if you didn’t tell me, haha love him. so modest about his sexy symbol. you know I think is.)

Q: You do a fair amount of nude sex scenes. Is that an interesting aspect of your work?

Skarsgård: There’s a certain amount of pleasure in being naked (interesting what kind of pleasure? I needs to know.) and knowing that your body is fit and toned.(I love that your bod is fit and tone you gonna let me touch it soon) I always enjoyed working out and this is the kind of role where vampire sexuality takes on a menacing quality, so your body becomes an asset to your acting and your work takes on a much greater erotic intensity. But the nude scenes themselves aren’t that sexy, because there are too many technicians standing around and there’s a director telling you where to place your hands, which takes some of the spontaneity away and so none of us are getting turned on in front of the cameras.(Yeah who needs a audience when you’re having the sexy times, pervs that is. Good to know you’re not that kinda perv)

Q: There’s something of a menage a trois going on between your character and Anna Paquin’s Sookie and Stephen Moyer’s Bill. Are the sex scenes between you and Paquin odd considering she and Bill are married to each other in real life?

Skarsgård: We’re actors so we understand the requirements. Anna is like a sister to me and it makes erotic scenes somewhat odd but with the camera a few feet from your face and technicians standing around you’re not getting turned on or coming anywhere close to feeling that it’s real. It’s just part of the job.

Q: Is it important for you to have achieved this measure of success with True Blood given your actor father Stellan’s remarkable acting career?

Skarsgård: I’ve always wanted to prove myself and make my own way in the world without people

saying I’m just the son of a famous father. I’ve never thought that I was competing with my father or

trying to match his success. His work stands on its own. But I think acting may have been my attempt to prove to him that I have some talent and impress him a little bit. I think most sons want their fathers to be proud of them.

Q: Do you and your father get along?

Skarsgård: Dad is one of my best friends. He is such a good guy and I love him so much. So many kids complain or have problems with their father, but I have been very lucky to have had a father who is very cool, very supportive, and just someone I have admired all my life and felt so good to grow up and always know that he cared about me even though he works a lot. My dad always made it a point to be very present in our family. We first worked together in 1983 on my first movie (Ake och hans varld) back in Sweden and then we had the chance to do Melancholia with Lars von Trier. I hope we’re going to get the chance to work again.

Q: You were a child star in Sweden. You’ve said in the past that you didn’t like the constant attention …

Skarsgård: No. I hated that. I enjoyed acting and being on a set but I didn’t like girls hanging outside my house. It was embarrassing. I didn’t want that kind of attention at school because you it affects your relationships with the other kids. I wanted to hang out and play football and do regular kinds of things but if everyone knows you it makes that complicated. So after high school I told my father I wanted to quit acting and do something else with my life. He was very supportive.

Q: What did you do then?

Skarsgård: I went to England so that I could study English because I wanted to learn the language. I

didn’t want to study in London because there are a lot of Swedes living in London so I chose to study at Leeds. I had a friend who wanted to go to England and we decided to go to Leeds because we knew they had a football team there. It was one of the best times of my life. We had a lot of fun even though we lived in this terrible basement apartment that was cold and damp and had no windows. But we loved the women and the beer.

Q: How do you find living in Los Angeles compared to Sweden?

Skarsgård: It’s very different. First there’s the climate in California which is mainly sunny and

warm. In Sweden, we have only two warm months in the summer and the winter is very long and very cold. The only negative aspect of living in California is that because I play a vampire I can’t really spend too much time in the sun or I need to use lots of sunscreen. Otherwise if you try to put makeup on to hide a tan it tends to make your skin look grey when you’re shooting in HD.

Q: Do you still find time to go back to Sweden and visit?

Skarsgård: Yes. We usually have five months’ hiatus every year when we’re not shooting True Blood so that gives me the chance to spend a few months in Stockholm or on the islands in Sweden. That time helps me retain my sense of being Swedish and my identity. That’s important to me.

Q: Is there a lot of culture shock for a Swede living in California?

Skarsgård: The mentality is very different. Swedes are much more reserved and interior-looking than Americans, or at least Californians. Americans are not afraid to talk about their lives to you even if they only know you for a short period of time. I love how waitresses will smile and greet you in a café and ask you how you are even if it’s not meant in a deeper sense. There’s a sense that you can get to know Americans much more quickly. In Sweden, it takes much more time to really become close to someone but once you do become friends with a Swede that friendship will last a long time.

Q: You’re starting to get recognised in L.A. How do you feel about that?

Skarsgård: Oh, it’s not so bad, at least not so far. Of course the amount of attention you receive from people coming up to you in a restaurant or if you’re shopping is a function of your popularity. Every actor in Hollywood is aware that if become successful your private life is not so private anymore. I accept that. I’m also used to that attention because my father was always recognised wherever he went in Sweden although most Swedes will not approach politicians or celebrities on the street. We’re very respectful of privacy.

Q: You had a chance to work with Rihanna on Battleship. What was she like?

Skarsgård: I loved the fact that she was so normal and natural and didn’t bring a big entourage with her or anything like that. She just wanted to be considered one of the actors and not have her fame as a singer follow her. But what truly impressed me was how organized and hard-working she is. She would keep flying back and forth from the set, perform on a big MTV award show, and show up ready to work on time the next morning. Rihanna has a lot of energy.

Q: You’re also the new face of Calvin Klein men’s fragrance. What made you interested in doing that?

Skarsgård: I like the way they wanted to shoot the campaign. Their idea for their concept was very

intriguing to me – it was almost like a short film, and very film noir. It felt interesting to me. wanted to be involved with something where you tell a story – even though it’s a short story.

Q: As a vampire, is your sense of smell heightened?

Skarsgård: As a vampire, everything is more exciting! (Laughs) /Viva Press

here are some pics from last weekend. Bowling… that would be fun.

The Source aka Papa Stellan aka Stellan Skarsgard on the air.

Aww, papa Stellan gave or answer some folks questions, i didn’t send in any I am waiting for an invite to his kitchen to cook some kind of meal and chow then have a glass of wine and conversate. But anyways here he is answering some question and being a Kool cat. Papa Stellan he was also stylin’.


20 June 2012 12:11PM

What was in the briefcase in Ronin? What did you think it was or might be?
we all agreed it was just sandwiches.


20 June 2012 10:38AM

Is it possible to switch off the anger of a character such as Randbæk in Zero Kelvin (Kjærlighetens kjøtere) when the scene ends? (I have NOT seen tis now I must see tis)

So glad you saw that film. It’s one of my favourites. But since I come from theatre where you might have to do three different characters in a Shakespeare play, you can’t become these characters. And I’ve learnt to switch on and off.

Do you get bored with people complaining about English-language remakes?

Not bored. But it is something we have to live with as long as the rest of the world refuses to properly learn Swedish.

Hi, Stellan
Congratulations on your body of work. You’re never less than highly watchable.
You’ve played some really weasely baddies in your time (I’m thinking Ronin and Good Will Hunting, for starters).
Do you have a preference? Goodies? Baddies?

No I don’t have a preference. I don’t even believe in goodies or baddies. I don’t think they exist. Except in the movies and in George W Bush’s brain. But whatever character I do, I try to make them as full of contradictions as possible, as unpredictable as possible, ie as human as possible.

Hi Stellan,
Can you freeze hummus?

I don’t know. I think you should try it. There is of course a risk that the emulsion between the sesame seed paste and the lemon juice will seperate. But you could solve that with a little slop of tehina in a bowl and gradually whip in the seperated hummas. You have to take food seriously.

Weird. I just woke up from a dream with Alexander Skarsgard in it. Not a dirty one ‘cos I love my husband. 

There are no dirty dreams. (obviously he hasn’t heard mine) 

Way off track here but regardless, if your a footie man whats your team? ….AIK Stockholm/IFK Gothenburg/Malmo. And, did you enjoy gubbing the French 2-0 on Tuesday?

Apart from that, respect you so much …. you bring an approachable element to the Von Trier films as well as going by your past interviews you display a rebelious attutide to the profession … god bless!

If I have any team it’s Hammarby and I did appreciate seeing the French lose to a team that hasn’t shown much talent in a while.

Can you tell us outsiders in a few words what it is like to work with LvT from a creative point of view?

It’s really all creative. And everything happens while the camera is rolling. You cannot come with a preconceived idea that you’ve rehearsed in front of the mirror, deliver it and expect it to be accepted. Every take is different and it’s all about exploring the possibilities of the scene. It’s very light-hearted, there’s no pressure, f*cking up is encouraged. In short: wonderful.

If you could give a young actor or actress one piece of advice what would it be?

Don’t lie.

I liked him better in the original Swedish version of TGWTDT.


Hey Stellan,
First time I saw you in cinemas was in “October Red”, playing the bad-a*s soviet submarine captain trying to kill Ramius/Sean Connery. And you were a really angry captain, smoking on board of a submarine! Do you think foreign/european actors still do have the compulsory step nowadays to play baddies to get access to Hollywood attention, and why?

A couple of decades ago, the American film industry was mostly relying on the domestic box office. They could exercise the xenaphobia that meant anyone with an accent had to be killed at the end of the movie. That is not possible anymore since most of their income now comes from abroad.

Dear Stellan,
Can you give us some details concerning the new Lars von Trier’s movie, Nymphomania? Will the shooting begin this summer as scheduled? What about the cast?
Thanks a lot for all you’ve been doing, you’re an amazing actor!

We’re planning to start shooting in late August. The only actors that I know are cast are me and Charlotte Gainsbourg. it will be two films: Nymphomania 1 and 2 and both in two versions, one soft for the faint of heart and a hardcore one for the rest of us. (Lmafo, Oh lawd I wonder which one am I? Shit,  I am so going for the hardcore Lars porn, I need to see that)

you can find the rest here.


His reproductive organ is on alot of people mind/photoshop projects

See, I know that there is alot of WANT to see and WANT to be apart or on it but Gosh I have to say I have never seen such desire/want/ perversion to see your Cock. I had to say it I haven’t said it in a while, it’s a good word.

Anyways, in my mind it better than that, but in my mind a lot is going down so let’s not go there. But tumblr. Wow! Lets just say be prepared for whatever. Your face dude is being attached to a lot of bits, parts. (trust me I have seen my fair of what the fuck perversion, I felt unclean) Aww being famous in the 20 century. Those that can’t have, must photoshop.

Since I love seeing your face. I am just going to post these, san cray cray just handsomeness that is Alexander Skarsgård.

 your eyes Alexander, oh my your eyes. Your face is not bad either. He is gonna have to let me make out with his lips for the love of… look at it

 tis is pretty much how I see him sitting there, well lets just say waiting for my approach.

 handsome face.

 sweet swag.

Anyways keep the delusion alive!  about his huge long reproductive organ.

God bless it. I say.

tis doesn’t need a reason just posting.

Aww my Boo boo kitty doing Groceries. (without me)

Yes, yes you know I try my best to include myself in his life as much as humanly possible and until he gives himself to me I shall and will remain a bit piss that he does his daily life without me included in it. But okay he has to eat so I wouldn’t be an ass about him grocery shopping without me. But how sweet and cute to watch him like a perv stalker at what he is buying or will make for dinner.

Him groceries shopping hawt no! Hellz yeah. He loves to eat so he should know how to cook. If he loves to cook that’s another post which needs intensive investigation that I will of course volunteer for. Anyways, he looks a bit tired. I hope he is not sick or something. Also looks like he’s wearing hammer pants. Haha I have a few but okay I know it isn’t hammer pants but he is too legit too quit. There will be music, you know there will be music.

  aww look at him, so precious. I wonder what he is pondering chicken or fish. I would say fish for obvious reasons of course.

 aww look at my boo doing his daily or is tis weekly or monthly I have no idea how often he grocery shops. He looks like the eats out a lot. Maybe he is waiting for me to join him for dinner and lunch and especially dessert.

 what’s in your basket boo boo? I mean the grocery one. Altho I have a nice pic in my head of what’s in your other grocery basket. See what I did there, no? Move on.

 aww he so precious, look at him ponder yet again, I bet he chose steak or beef or something. He likes red meat I can see that. That’s fine there is always time for fish, it very healthy for you, ya know. But he is so adorable. Now he has to cook something for me. Like real soon, like July 11 soon. Let me see what he can dish out. I will make dessert, I am very good at dessert.  I can assure that it will be sweet.

 he is so sexy tho. so sexy

 My sexy grocery shopper, we gonna have to do tis together real soon boo, buy stuff for dinner and dessert. I don’t see any sweet treats (that would be his bedroom nick name, or would it be mine we will see)

yeah  that basket is missing some chocolate syrup/whip cream and some fresh fruits plus whatever else is sexy and delicious for the after dinner treats. Just saying it’s very good for you, desserts. You wouldn’t even need plates for that.

Aww I miss him tho, I hope he is taking care of himself and eating well and getting some rest, he is gonna need it. LOL! No seriously July 11 it’s on….He  can show me what he can come up for dinner and I can show him my best dessert dish. Oh yeah…